Earlier today, Google confirmed previous rumors that the company would release its first smartwatches, with Android Wear 2.0 installed, sometime in early 2017. However, a number of current Android Wear devices will be getting software updates next year that will upgrade the OS to the 2.0 version.
Google revealed the current list of smartwatches slated to get the Android Wear 2.0 update via an article on The Verge:
- Moto 360 (2nd Gen.)
- Moto 360 Sport
- LG Watch Urbane 2nd Edition LTE
- LG Watch Urbane
- LG G Watch R
- Polar M600
- Casio Smart Outdoor Watch
- Nixon Mission
- Tag Heuer Connected
- Fossil Q Wander
- Fossil Q Marshal
- Fossil Q Founder
- Michael Kors Access Bradshaw Smartwatch
- Michael Kors Access Dylan Smartwatch
- Huawei Watch
- Huawei Watch Ladies
- Asus ZenWatch 2
- Asus ZenWatch 3
It's important to note that the 2.0 update will likely be rolled out for these watches throughout 2017, rather than all at once.
Google released the fourth developer preview of the OS earlier this month, and the fifth preview is due out in January. Many of the very first Android Wear smartphones that launched in 2014 are not on this update list, such as the first generation Moto 360 and LG G Watch, along with the Samsung Gear Live and the first Asus ZenWatch.
Android Wear 2.0 will support, among other things, standalone apps that won't need a smartphone to work. Google also plans to add support for its Google Assistant and Android Pay in version 2.0. Google's own smartwatches will be made by a currently unnamed manufacturer, and other third-party smartwatches will launch in 2017 with Android Wear 2.0 as well.
from Android Authority http://ift.tt/2heoy8a
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