Back in October, Xiaomi launched a high-end smartphone by the name of Mi Note 2. Suitable for more demanding users, the Mi Note 2 features the Snapdragon 821 processor, 4/6 GB of RAM, a 22.5 MP camera with an f/2.0 aperture and the option of either 64 or 128 GB of storage. But what makes it stand out is its 5.7-inch 1080p AMOLED display that is curved on both sides, just like the one found on the Samsung Galaxy S7 edge.
About a month ago, we reported that Xiaomi might release another edition of the Mi Note 2 with a flat screen. The device was spotted on TENAA — the Chinese equivalent of the FCC — and we were hoping that it would hit the market eventually. But unfortunately, it has now been confirmed that the device will not see the light of day: Zang Zhiyuan, Xiaomi's marketing director, made the announcement recently on the company's official blog.
Xiaomi's fans probably aren't too happy with the news, as a lot of them were expecting to see the smartphone launch soon. By offering a version with a flat screen, the Chinese manufacturer would probably be able to sell the device at a lower price point when compared with the curved screen model, which retails for around the equivalent of $410 (4 GB RAM) and $480 (6 GB RAM) in China, by today's exchange rates.
What are your thoughts on this subject? Would you like to see a flat screen version of the Mi Note 2 hit the market? As always, let us know down below.
from Android Authority
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