The recently launched Google Home connected speaker is slowing adding new third-party devices that will work with the product. This week, Sony revealed that some of its Chromecast built-in Sony speakers can connect to Google's latest hardware product, along with some of its and Android TV-based 4K HDR televisions.
If you own one of these Sony speakers and Google Home, you can say, "Ok Google, play some workout music on my Sony speaker", for instance. You can also ask it to stream your favorite playlist from your preferred music service. Other voice commands will allow you to control the volume of the speaker, stop or skip over a music track, or even ask for a song's title simply by saying, "Ok Google, what is playing?"
All of Sony's Android TVs now support Google Home, too. The company's sound bars that support the speaker include the HT-ST9, HT-NT5, HT-CT790, HT-XT2, and HT-RT5 models, along with the STR-DN1070, STR-DN1060, and STR-DN860 receivers. Finally, the Sony wireless speakers with the model numbers SRS-X99, SRS-ZR7, SRS-ZR5, and SRS-HG1 all now work with Google Home.
Google's new speaker product recently added support for over 30 new services and apps, including Netflix and Google Photos.
from Android Authority
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